A key question is obviously how close to the original the film is. Since a typical film is only around two hours long, it becomes a question for screenwriters to decide what is appropriate for the screen and what to leave out. Screenwriters take cr...
1.询问对方职业理想的句型∶ What do you want to be? 【课文应用】-What do you want to be?你想要成为什么? -I want to be a pilot. 我想要成为一名飞行员。 【句型结构】 问句∶ What do you want to be? 答语∶I want to be a/an+职业名称(teacher,dancer, actor...
原標題:火遍全美科普書 《how to》中文版上市 2015年比爾·蓋茨推薦的一本書引爆了一股腦洞科普熱潮,全球銷量累計突破百萬,這就是蘭道爾·門羅的《what if ?那些古怪又讓人憂心的問題》(以下簡稱《what if?》)近日,門羅的新書《how to:如何不切實際地解決實際問題》(...
2015年,比尔·盖茨推荐的一本书引爆了一股脑洞科普热潮,全球销量累计突破百万,这就是兰道尔·门罗的《what if ?那些古怪又让人忧心的问题》(以下简称《what if?》)近日,门罗的...
I don’t know how to make a banana milk shake. I don’t know what to do. 14. at the end of “在…末尾” Now, it is at the end of 2014. 反义短语:at the beginning of “在…开始” 15. be glad/happy/sad to do sth.“很高兴/难过做某事 ...